Maragoli Avenue, Milimani Nakuru

0740 000 111 / 333


Preparatory School

Key Stage 1

Groundwork for a successful and fulfilling educational journey.

The IGCSE Key Stage 1 (KS1) is an important stage in a child’s educational career, laying the groundwork for future learning attempts. This stage is primarily for children ages 5 to 7 and is part of the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) curriculum.

During Key Stage 1, the emphasis is on encouraging the complete development of young minds. English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are among the disciplines covered in the curriculum, and they are taught in an interactive and engaging manner. Aside from academic brilliance, the KS1 curriculum stresses the development of important life skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, and communication, all of which are necessary for success in subsequent levels of education and beyond.

The child-centric approach of IGCSE Key Stage 1 is one of its hallmarks, since it emphasizes the individuality of each child’s learning style and pace. Educators seek to establish a loving and inclusive environment in which students can freely develop their interests and talents. This method not only enhances their confidence but also instills a lifelong love of studying.

Furthermore, the KS1 curriculum promotes active parental involvement, emphasizing the critical role parents play in their children’s education. Collaboration between instructors and parents ensures the child’s well-rounded growth and a robust support structure.

Key Stage 1 establishes the foundation for a successful and rewarding educational path. It empowers young learners with the necessary skills and excitement to excel academically and in other parts of life by providing a supportive environment, fostering holistic development, and encouraging active parental involvement.